Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Saranghabnida 난 당신에게 내 소중한 사랑

Don't expect guys. My teacher told my class about love. She said, I love you is a very common words now if contrasting with hundred years ago. Am I too exaggerating? Years ago, if a boy says " I Love You " to someone, some thought comes into your mind, and you will instantly know that he is saying to a girl, to his girlfriend, to his wife and to the one he loves. The same situation, if a girl says the three words, you would know that she is saying to a boy, to her boyfriend, to her husband and to the one she loves.
The three magic words, " I Love You " is expressing one's love by saying those words is a crucial step in any relationship. Normally girls do not like to confess that they are in love with a boy. It is a sort of masculine privilege and duty, you might say. You cannot to go up to someone and say " I Love You ". Love at first sight is a doubtful context for saying the three words. After all the sort of sudden attraction when you meet someone and feel a blinding passion or know from your instincts that he or she is the right person for you is nothing more than an infatuation. True love is gentler, more mature. " I love you " doesn't mean " I want you right now ". Rather it means " I want to be by your side always, I want to hold your hands and look deep into your eyes, I want to wake up every morning with you by my side. " In a mature love, people tend not to blurt out their love as soon as they meet a person after their heart. They wait till they come to know the person better. When you finally feel from the bottom of your heart that you're sure about being in love with this person, it's the time to say these words. People sometimes think why is it they have to be the first to confess their love? Why cannot the other person do so? It can be very embarrassing for a girl when she says " I love you " and receives a sheepish grin or a distracted reply in return. Again, there are times when a man wants to say " I love you " but cannot do so for the fear of rejection. At such times, it is best to trust your intuition to choose the right step. The timing of saying these words is important as well.
Back to topic, what I want to say is, in this century " I love you " might be a manners. It can be a girl to girl, a boy to boy, a girl to her ex, a boy to his ex. It's so common now. Some people still immature or even the abuse of this right. They used these words to get what they want and what they need. To the last hurt it will only be girls. That's why I hate liars. True love do not need to speak it out but feel it out. Time can heal a wound, create a relationship but can also destroy it. Trust me, don't speak these words too many times to too many people, it would be just like the story of  wolf, nobody will believe you after experiencing too many time. Think before saying out the words.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dont be a puppet of our heart, don't let emotions control you.

是否 有过那种 很低落 很堕落 的情绪? 就莫名奇妙地 想要一个人 我是说 那一刻 你就想要一个人。不管做什么 去到哪里 就不想为伍成群地。有时候 真的真的 只是有时候 就突然间 不想说话了。或许我该说 不知该说什么 哑子吃黄连的感觉? 说不出话来 虽然脑子里 卖命地 转转转 想想想  就是 说不出话嘛 脑空空。我不喜欢这种 被迫傀儡的感觉。我不明白 为什么我就是可以那么地情绪化 怎么任凭情绪的摆动。有人说过 抑郁是从情绪低落的开始。也许 是因为 某些人 或 某些事 使人久久无法释怀。其实就因为太过于执著于让自己情绪低落的那件事。有时候没有任何理由地就觉得所有的一切都令人讨厌。有些时候 就莫名奇妙地 发怒。生闷气, 气什么? 告诉我 我的脑袋 在想什么? 气得不想看见任何一个人 不想跟任何一个人说话。我不喜欢在生气时说话 我会胡乱发脾气, 我不喜欢。 在很多事情上总是旁观者清,而当局者迷。很简单的一个道理,说出来谁都明白,可当你做起来时却发现其实没你想的那么简单说好多话总是感觉在自己劝自己了,也许真的是太多的事情和太多的无奈让我更加学会了去自我安慰。无意间地 别人一句无心的话 敏感的你 受伤了 你不喜欢争论 所以你选择离开 可你只是离开了那, 却没有离开被那人伤害的情境,因此你愈想愈生气。愈有气,你就愈没有力气去理会别的事情, 许多更该用心去做去想去处理的事件,就在你漫天漫地的心烦意乱之中,被轻忽被漠视被省略了。生气也是要花力气的,而且生气一定伤元气。所以,聪明的你,别让情绪控制了你,当你又要生气之前,不妨轻声地提醒自己一句:“别浪费了。” 我常常就是这么想 可是 气先生来敲门时 你就是什么事都管不着。

Saturday, April 16, 2011

猜不透的心 永远都不会变老

最近都用华文BLOG啊 也很抱歉地说 华文字数有限。我曾说过 像现在这年代 复杂得纠纷 人都会变 更何况是一颗脆弱的心? 我说嘛 不要让别人看透你。当一个人完全被看透的时候 到了那个时候 就是给别人机会伤害的时候。有时候 我是说 有时候 真的真的 必须把心锁起来 藏得远远的。想说  这个戏的VIDEO 真的真的 很感动。这电影是 <我的最爱>, < L for Love, L for Lies > 有空的话 不妨去翻播 虽然结局并不是很完好 可是我很喜欢。男主角 说了 真正爱一个人 是要给对方自由 而不是要去完全占有对方。爱一个人要讲 TIMING. 在错误的时机在一起 是合不来的。他看见了女孩的改变 他反而很开心。他说: “我们是不会分开的 因为好朋友是永远都不会分开的。”

她说 : 很多人和事 其实没有忘记不了的 只是看你自己想不想忘记。我整天对你发脾气 我是想你了解我。我有很多话想对你说 但我见到你 我不知道 我该怎样说。 我不是说想查你电话 但是 这跟买衣唱K一样 是我的嗜好。我希望你身边的女人 全都是 “肥婆” “猪扒” 和 “师奶” 我发脾气的时候 叫你不要找我 永远都是假的 你一定要回来找我。我发脾气跟你说的话 千万不要当真 我说不好 就是好 ; 我说不要 就是要 ; 我说不想 就是想 你明白吗? 我平常在街上走了的时候 你一定要把我追回来  我不想再玻璃和倒后镜里 看你有没有跟在我后面。 我整天说要减肥 其实我最想听到你跟我说 你一点都不胖, 我喜欢就行了。我没有安全感 是因为我太爱你 我不可以没有你。

Thursday, April 14, 2011

相信所见的东西吧 来得较真实。

很抱歉 最近都没BLOG. 最近的心情都很差 也很忙 根本没有那种心情时间。周末到啦 想出去都懒惰 也没时间。好多好多功课 都没完整 怎么办?还有 ASSIGNMENT 得做 我快崩溃了。这几天 会很忙 很忙 很忙。极度的心情 搞得我很狼狈 什么事都做不好。还有还有 我班主任 都搞得我班同学 极度丢脸。她 会处罚你去做高调的事。朋友说 我性格很不好 让人很受不了。 的确 我性格很差 陌生人很难接触 也很难接受 基本上我该说完全不能。我经常发脾气 很情绪化, 生气时 摆张臭脸 也是最最最常见的。想说 其实我很珍惜也很爱他们。其实 此时此刻的心情很糟, 跌入谷底, 糟到一种程度 那种遭到无法在继续的那种。只是想找些东西 打发时间。情绪无法平服 坚强得自欺欺人 擅长用微笑去伪装 说其实我很好。我不相信谣言 我只相信自己的眼睛。很多人或事都是你控制不了的 也你不是你该掌控的范围。眼见的东西 即成事实。今天 我所见到的 也一样, 没有例外。再也不逃避 学会了面对, 成长了 好多好多。其实 面对着有些人事 会有牵挂 明明很舍不得 却一而再再而三 的坚持, 就像当初那股执著。其实 有时候会想就这样放弃了那股坚持 苯点 过个简单的生活。我并没讲事实上我很聪明 我只是说我希望我能够再苯一点 也该有个程度 并不是智障。单纯点 不多想 不多留意 不多在乎 不闻不问 那该有多好。但只可惜 我很清楚自己 我无法不在乎 无法坐视不理。怎么办 我越变越矛盾了。现在的我 很爱我自己, 我把心藏很远 。童话 虽说很美好 很纯美, 但 它终究是童话。我们这年代 复杂得纠纷, 请告诉我 哪来的童话 哪来的美好 哪来的真心。我不懂 不明白, 但 我爱童话。怎么就突然的想有个改变 我指的是 头发或衣着之类的东西。就只会想 不会有所行动。东西看久了  也会腻  对吗? 这是我在近年里 所领悟的道理。曾经 真的真的 只是曾经 有想过把头发都剃光了 来个换新, 我说了 那只是曾经年少时 不懂事时 闹着玩的。很荒谬 对吧? 我也不相信 这是我说的。是曾经过于的依赖 是曾经过于的关心 是曾经过于的陪伴? 怎么如今的代价会是如此的折磨。我不懂 到了哪天 我是否会因这突如的决定 而后悔, 我也不懂 那将会是如何, 我.. 或许就像某人所说的吧 时间会淡化。曾经 从一个人的精彩 到 两个人的分享, 曾经的那个人。谢谢你, 真的真的。我快乐过 也很幸福过。原谅她 就是这样的女生。

Monday, April 4, 2011

幸福的保质期, 其实很短暂。

Bad lucks, I get into recently. Had been tweet for 337 tweets, 13 following, 44 followers. I want to have more followers, anyone kind? I love twitter, I could abundantly express my feeling, my thoughts. Facebook is having spies, either my mummy's or my daddy's. I dislike to block my wall of Facebook from my relatives, or anyone else, Facebook is neglected. If you are my friends in Facebook, you might observed less status for recently. So, follow me in Twitter? " Since we being honest, I wanna tell you I hate the girls stuck by your side, I don't care whether you flirt her, or she flirts you. " , the lastest status in Twitter while I am here to blog.

Follow Baby_Jessss on Twitter

Think, before you conclude on something. I am just giving out my example, my opinion and my thoughts. When you judge on someone, "he/she hurts me". I simply meant soulful relationship. Try to ponder of your conclution. If you don't give anyone chance, will they have the chances to hurt you, breaking your heart and ways to kill you indirectly? So.. as a conclude, we are the killer of our pain, our heart breaking and our wounds. 

The only reason people hold on to memories,
is because memories are the only thing that don't change,
when everyone else does. L Y M L 

I hate it, when peoples do not respect me, just like dispensable. I don't want to feel like dispensable. I would respect you doubly if you do respect me. Inversely, I wouldn't respect you if you do not respect me, I don't care whether you are the eldest or who you are, I am just abstinence.  I am actually having a lot of complicated-feeling, I want to express, I just don't know where to start. I miss you, hubbbiiesjou  !

Saturday, April 2, 2011

让我们回去从前好不好? 天真快乐美好。

Contradictory feelings, made me feel like want to use chinese to blog. I am just beyond their grasp. As if you are my follower, you shall knew I had a broken chinese, a brain of limited chinese words. A girl who don't know the way to express her feeling, kind of girl full with emotions and mood changes such as roller coaster ride. If you are a stranger to me, you may feel like I am so.. arrogant? I am actually such a girl who might crazy in minutes and emo in the next. I could probably be my dudes' pistachio. I wore on smile everyday, somehow I do not sometime. I had a bad mood recently. If you are following my twitter or facebook, you might know I posted so many emotional words. Emotional disorder us. I mostly wrote in chinese, because I felt chinese can be a complete expression of what I want to express. I am a girl who kept her heart away from any boy, exception are exist. She is a girl who keep blaming God that do not give her a sweet smile, a pretty face, a professional brain. She is in fact better than many of them, but she was not satisfied. Human beings are too greedy and selfish. I wish the time will turn the clock back, I don't want to grow up. I miss my past, I miss my memories. I am not good at lying, and I would never lie if there's never need to. I hate liars, I hate to lie. Love is a choice, I think I learned. As dearest said, be eliminated that, is not necessarily inferior. In fact, every girl yearning for love as well, eager to be embraced, but there is fear of love's hurt. Maybe time is an antidote, is the poison are we taking now. Do not say love easily, guys. Girls have a vulnerable heart, too weak, too tiny to be broken. Sick of being love puppet, can I be your love slave?